Predieri Stefano

Homepage di Stefano Predieri


Stefano Predieri

Stefano Predieri, ricercatore senior del CNR, responsabile della sede di Bologna dell’Istituto di Bioeconomia. E’ esperto in qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari, analisi sensoriale e consumer science. Fa parte del Consiglio scientifico del network del Dipartimento CNR di Scienze BioAgroalimentari dedicato alla nutraceutica ("NUTRHEFF" - Nutritional Health Enhancing Functional Food). Responsabile scientifico di progetti finalizzati al miglioramento della qualità dei prodotti (progetto europeo BreedingValue su fragola, lampone, mirtillo ecocompatibili, nutrienti e gustosi), ha partecipato a progetti sulla nutrizione della popolazione anziana  “Aging” EWHeTA (Eat Well for a Healthy Third Age), Nutrage. Membro del comitato scientifico del progetto "Italian-taste" della SISS, Società Italiana Scienze Sensoriali. Attualmente le ricerche sono focalizzate sulle proprietà intrinsiche e sensoriali degli alimenti, sulle abiitudini alimentari, le preferenze e le aspettative dei consumatori rispetto ai prodotti tradizionali (a marchio DOP, IGP, es. Parmigiano Reggiano, Carota di Ispica)  e innovativi (es. alimentazione per pollame a base di insetti, farine a base di legumi), studiando gli aspetti legati alla dieta mediterranea e alla neofobia. Coordinatore sito IBE GustoSalute&Qualità (

Alcuni progetti

  • 2021-2024: BreedingValue. Pre-breeding strategies for obtaining new resilient and added value berries. EU project 101000747. Horizon 2020. H2020-SFS-2018-2020 (Sustainable Food Security). Deputate WP4 Leader (Panel testing methodology) Task Leader Sensory and Consumer activity, aimed to select innovative berry cultivar with high consumer appreciation and low environmental impact.
  • 2020-2023: Poultrynsect. The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production. "Susfood/Core Organic joint call 2019". Task Leader Sensory and Consumer activity, aimed to explore consumer acceptance of meat product derived from insect-fed chicken.
  • 2019-2021: Fly4Value. Insects for the bio-transformation of agri-food by-products in feed and high value substances. POR-FESR 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region. Responsible activity Consumer Science. On line questionnaires focused on consumer acceptance of eggs from insect-fed chicken.
  • 2020-2021: NUTR-AGE Nutrition, Food & Active Aging, Dip. CNR BioAgriFood FOE Scientific leader WP3.6 Consumer study on aged people food habits.
  • 2019 -2020: Mountain Green –Climate. FOCUS AREA 3A Operazione 16.2.01 Principal investigator Azione 5: Consumer Science, aimed to define consumer expectations and experience with cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) produced in mountain area. Online survey and in-depth face to face interview.
  • 2019: Med NET, Interreg European project on Mediterranean Diet. Principal Investigator IBE-CNR RU. Study on actual features of Mediterranean Diet in Emilia Romagna Region.

Alcune pubblicazioni recenti:

  • Predieri, S ; Gatti, E ; Cianciabella, M ; Daniele, GM; Magli, M ; Kusch, C; Contador, L; Infante, R. 2021. Exploring through CATA (Check-All-That-Apply) method the Italian consumers' perception towards off-season nectarine imported from Chile. European Journal of Horticultural Science. 86: 169-178.
  • Boini, A; Manfrini, L; Morandi, B; Grappadelli, LC; Predieri, S; Daniele, GM; Lopez, G. 2021. High Levels of Shading as A Sustainable Application for Mitigating Drought, in Modern Apple Production. AGRONOMY-BASEL. 11 Art. n. 442.
  • Predieri, S; Lippi, N., Daniele GM. 2021. What can we learn from consumers' perception of strawberry quality? Acta Horticulture, 1309, 987-994
  • Predieri, S., Sinesio, F., Monteleone E. et al. 2020. Gender, Age, Geographical Area, Food Neophobia and Their Relationships with the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: New Insights from a Large Population Cross- Sectional Study. NUTRIENTS Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Article Number: 1778
  • Volpe, R; Predieri, S; Cianciabella, M; Daniele, GM; Gatti, E; Magli, M; Rodino, P; Schiavetto, E; Sotis, G; Urbinati, S. 2020. EWHeTA (Eat Well for a HEalthy Third Age) Project: novel foods to improve the nutrition in the elderly people. Aging Clinical Experimental Research.