Predieri Stefano
Stefano Predieri
Stefano Predieri, ricercatore senior del CNR, responsabile della sede di Bologna dell’Istituto di Bioeconomia. E’ esperto in qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari, analisi sensoriale e consumer science. Fa parte del Consiglio scientifico del network del Dipartimento CNR di Scienze BioAgroalimentari dedicato alla nutraceutica ("NUTRHEFF" - Nutritional Health Enhancing Functional Food). Responsabile scientifico di progetti finalizzati al miglioramento della qualità dei prodotti (progetto europeo BreedingValue su fragola, lampone, mirtillo ecocompatibili, nutrienti e gustosi), ha partecipato a progetti sulla nutrizione della popolazione anziana “Aging” EWHeTA (Eat Well for a Healthy Third Age), Nutrage. Membro del comitato scientifico del progetto "Italian-taste" della SISS, Società Italiana Scienze Sensoriali. Attualmente le ricerche sono focalizzate sulle proprietà intrinsiche e sensoriali degli alimenti, sulle abiitudini alimentari, le preferenze e le aspettative dei consumatori rispetto ai prodotti tradizionali (a marchio DOP, IGP, es. Parmigiano Reggiano, Carota di Ispica) e innovativi (es. alimentazione per pollame a base di insetti, farine a base di legumi), studiando gli aspetti legati alla dieta mediterranea e alla neofobia. Coordinatore sito IBE GustoSalute&Qualità (
Alcuni progetti
- 2021-2024: BreedingValue. Pre-breeding strategies for obtaining new resilient and added value berries. EU project 101000747. Horizon 2020. H2020-SFS-2018-2020 (Sustainable Food Security). Deputate WP4 Leader (Panel testing methodology) Task Leader Sensory and Consumer activity, aimed to select innovative berry cultivar with high consumer appreciation and low environmental impact.
- 2020-2023: Poultrynsect. The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production. "Susfood/Core Organic joint call 2019". Task Leader Sensory and Consumer activity, aimed to explore consumer acceptance of meat product derived from insect-fed chicken.
- 2019-2021: Fly4Value. Insects for the bio-transformation of agri-food by-products in feed and high value substances. POR-FESR 2014-2020 Emilia-Romagna Region. Responsible activity Consumer Science. On line questionnaires focused on consumer acceptance of eggs from insect-fed chicken.
- 2020-2021: NUTR-AGE Nutrition, Food & Active Aging, Dip. CNR BioAgriFood FOE Scientific leader WP3.6 Consumer study on aged people food habits.
- 2019 -2020: Mountain Green –Climate. FOCUS AREA 3A Operazione 16.2.01 Principal investigator Azione 5: Consumer Science, aimed to define consumer expectations and experience with cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano) produced in mountain area. Online survey and in-depth face to face interview.
- 2019: Med NET, Interreg European project on Mediterranean Diet. Principal Investigator IBE-CNR RU. Study on actual features of Mediterranean Diet in Emilia Romagna Region.
Alcune pubblicazioni recenti:
- Predieri, S ; Gatti, E ; Cianciabella, M ; Daniele, GM; Magli, M ; Kusch, C; Contador, L; Infante, R. 2021. Exploring through CATA (Check-All-That-Apply) method the Italian consumers' perception towards off-season nectarine imported from Chile. European Journal of Horticultural Science. 86: 169-178.
- Boini, A; Manfrini, L; Morandi, B; Grappadelli, LC; Predieri, S; Daniele, GM; Lopez, G. 2021. High Levels of Shading as A Sustainable Application for Mitigating Drought, in Modern Apple Production. AGRONOMY-BASEL. 11 Art. n. 442.
- Predieri, S; Lippi, N., Daniele GM. 2021. What can we learn from consumers' perception of strawberry quality? Acta Horticulture, 1309, 987-994
- Predieri, S., Sinesio, F., Monteleone E. et al. 2020. Gender, Age, Geographical Area, Food Neophobia and Their Relationships with the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: New Insights from a Large Population Cross- Sectional Study. NUTRIENTS Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Article Number: 1778
- Volpe, R; Predieri, S; Cianciabella, M; Daniele, GM; Gatti, E; Magli, M; Rodino, P; Schiavetto, E; Sotis, G; Urbinati, S. 2020. EWHeTA (Eat Well for a HEalthy Third Age) Project: novel foods to improve the nutrition in the elderly people. Aging Clinical Experimental Research.