WaterSTEAM - Landscape, Water and Active Citizenship: a nature based STEAM teaching methodology
WaterSTEAM is an European project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme (2019-2022). The title of the project refers to water and STEAM acronym (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics). WaterSTEAM proposes an innovative educational method that is highly appreciated in Europe and in Erasmus projects: STEM subjects are tackled in an interdisciplinary way with the addition of art, which should make student participation more engaging.
The river landscape and changes affected by natural processes and anthropic influences will be investigated by the target groups of students and teachers in secondary education. The objectives of the project include: i) developing a teaching and learning methodology that combines environmental issues with the teaching of scientific subjects, thus integrating the environmental education in the school curriculum; ii) applying experiential learning in nature; iii) using and developing ICT tools and creating a crowed-sourced dynamic database of environmental information.
Partners: WRF, IBE-CNR and Liceo Sensale in Italy, PRISMA and Lyceum of Rafina in Greece, CERSHAS and Péterfy Ev Iskola és Óvoda in Hungary and ICASE UK.
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