La realizzazione di questo opuscolo ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni dettagliate sulle specie vegetali da impiegare nella progettazione del verde urbano e sub-urbano per coadiuvare le scelte e le azioni delle amministrazioni pubbliche e private. In questa guida, il gruppo di ricerca dell’IBIMET-CNR di Bologna propone inoltre soluzioni concrete per la mitigazione ambientale nella zona industriale del Bargellino che prevedono un’oculata progettazione del verde e, al tempo stesso, il controllo della qualità dell’aria attraverso una rete di monitoraggio.
Questa banca dati raccoglie tutti i risultati del progetto. Il sito descrive sinteticamente l’attività svolta da IBE-CNR, e contiene le schede delle singole piante censite. Queste ultime sono corredate da documentazione fotografica e da una visualizzazione georeferenziata che permette di avere informazioni sull’ubicazione della pianta anche attraverso immagini satellitari.
ASSAM and IBE-CNR have created and are managing a database of chemical and sensory profiles of extra virgin oils participating in the Italian National Review of Monovarietal olive oils. This dynamic database includes a large number of observations for each monovarietal oil, and can allow for ongoing updates every year, thus providing more accurate chemical and sensory average data for the oils. For each monovarietal oil, chemical and sensory profiles were calculated and described, including a large number of oil samples from different regions.
FACE is one of only a handful of projects which aim at assessing the influence of rising atmospheric CO2 levels on a agro ecosystem. In particular, the objective of this experiment, realized in collaboration with the Agricultural Institute -Centre for Agricultural Research (HSA) in Martonvásár (Hungary), is to determine the functional responses of different varieties of cereals to actual and future CO2 concentrations and to assess its potential for carbon sequestering.
Sostenabilita nelle produzioni Agroalimentari Il gruppo di Ricerca Gusto, Salute e Qualità (GSQ) del CNR-IBIMET di Bologna ha competenze ventennali acquisite nel campo dell’analisi sensoriale dei prodotti, con attività di ricerca, progetti, sviluppi applicativi e messa a punto di protocolli a partire dai primi anni ’90.

Recentemente è cresciuta molto l’attenzione da parte dei vari governi Europei di rendere le città resilienti, sane e sostenibili. Questo è dovuto alla sempre più consolidata degli effetti che un ambiente urbano ha sulla popolazione (inquinamento, isola di calore, rumore, ecc…) e all’importanza che le aree urbane hanno negli studi dei cambiamenti climatici. Nel 2008 è nato il patto dei Sindaci per il Clima e l’Energia , presentato dal Commissario Miguel Arias Cañete come "la più vasta iniziativa urbana su clima ed energia al mondo". Il Patto dei Sindaci per il clima e l’energia vede coinvolte migliaia di autorità locali e regionali impegnate su base volontaria a raggiungere sul proprio territorio gli obiettivi UE per l’energia e il clima. Con il loro impegno, i nuovi firmatari mirano a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 di almeno il 40% entro il 2030 e ad adottare un approccio integrato per affrontare la mitigazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. La mitigazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici è una nuova azione che molti enti locali hanno preso in considerazione anche in Italia. Viene utilizzato il concetto di “servizi ecosistemici” attuando le così dette “Nature Based Solutions (NBS)”. Tra le varie soluzioni, le infrastrutture verdi sono state indentificate essere appartenenti alle “best practices” al fine di mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici ma non solo .
Goal: This is a PhD project (DOT1302377) of University of Bari in the Area: "Biodiversity, Agriculture and Environment". Within this project, at IBIMET-CNR the hypothesis of a relationship between VOC synthesis and emission from fruit plants, stress conditions of the plant and Capnodis attack will be tested. We will investigate the effect of the interaction between these two stress factors, the environmental and biological ones on the rate and pattern of plant emission, and the content of constitutive and induced volatiles. This is an innovative study compared to previous experiments in which the effect of these biotic and abiotic stresses on VOC emission from plants have been separately evaluated and will provide the fundamental information to the other units aimed to test the behavioural of Capnodis tenebrionis (L.) in response to the volatiles identified in the emission profile of the studied plant species. Understanding the potential role of biogenic emission from fruit woody plants in the study of the cues and mechanisms leading to active host selection and habitat use by the insect, will provide powerful tools to improve plant performance under stress environmental conditions, to manage the diffusion and control of the capnode adult. Thus, this knowledge of the behavioural mechanisms leading to host recognition in Mediterranean area will provide the basis for selecting cultivar-rootstock combination with low susceptibility to capnode, and for the development of innovative insect-control methods, through direct application of volatile compounds in traps or through plant breeding for improved resistance.
This project is focused on the study and application of sensory evaluation and consumer sciences to pursue the characterization, guarantee and valorization of food products. Sensory sciences are rapidly advancing, providing tools to better conjugate consumer expectations and preference with market offer, by investigating and promoting quality. Bioeconomy requires the consumer involvement and satisfaction, to support, with a correct behavior, sustainability and environmental protection. The study of sensory and hedonic perception of foods (and also of no-foods products) is pursued by IBE researchers through the application of state-of-the-art protocols, and dedicated technologies and facilities.
Il progetto, finanziato dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, si è proposto di individuare piante della macchia mediterranea come fonti per l'estrazione di fitocomplessi con applicazione nutraceutica. Lo studio ha permesso di caratterizzare dal punto di vista fisiologico e biochimico piante di Pistacia lentiscus L., Phillyrea latifolia L. and Cistus incanus L., specie tipiche della macchia mediterranea molto resistenti a stress abiotici, quali siccità ed elevate temperature. Uno dei principali risultati di questo studio è l’identificazione del miglior momento di raccolta delle foglie di queste specie vegetali per ottenere estratti arrichiti in polifenoli e con alta attività di scavenger verso i radicali liberi. Infine, lo studio preliminare dell’estratto ottenuto da C. incanus su cellule RAW 264.7 ha evidenziato una alta attività anti-infiammatoria di questo estratto, fornendo quindi supporto scientifico per il suo potenziale utilizzo in patologie di natura infiammatoria.
Il progetto EVO 2.0, inserito nel Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014/2020 della Regione Toscana, sottomisura 16.2, e avviato ad agosto 2018, si propone di realizzare attività di sperimentazione per la messa a punto di innovazioni di processo sia per la propagazione e coltivazione dell’olivo, sia per la raccolta e i miglioramenti tecnologici da introdurre nella fase della trasformazione. Inoltre, verrà sperimentato una diversa forma di contenitore, corredato da una nuova etichetta, idonea a tutelare la qualità dell’olio extravergine d’oliva toscano nelle diverse condizioni di luce e temperatura. In particolare, l’Istituto si occuperà di tutelare la biodiversità genetica toscana, sperimentando nuove forme di micropropagazione e riproduzione utilizzando cultivar di olivo autoctone.
IBE di Bologna è impegnato, attraverso studi morfo-fisiologici e l’utilizzo di modelli previsionali, nella corretta selezione di specie arboree ed arbustive sulla base dei servizi ecosistemici che esse forniscono nella mitigazione ambientale. In questo studio, il gruppo di ricerca si è occupato di quantificare dal punto di vista ambientale, i benefici prodotti dalle piante arboree ed arbustive presenti nel Parco storico Bosco Albergati. Attraverso l’applicazione di algoritmi e del modello i-Tree Eco, concepito dal Servizio forestale del Dipartimento dell’Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti (USDA), il gruppo di ricerca ha quantificato il sequestro annuale di anidride carbonica (CO2) dall’atmosfera e la quantità di CO2 immagazzinata, sotto forma di biomassa, dalle specie vegetali presenti nel parco fino allo stato attuale di crescita. E’ stata inoltre stimata l’abilità delle specie vegetali di filtrare dall’aria inquinanti atmosferici gassosi come l’ozono (O3) e il particolato atmosferico (PM10).
The general objective of the Programme is to contribute to achieving the first Millennium Development Goal, eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, by increasing agricultural production and improving the incomes of rural populations, thereby increasing food security and the promotion of local economic development. The specific objective of the Programme is to increase the income of rural people who live in the interventions regions, by expanding and diversifying the agricultural production, through the spread of modern farming practices such as micro-irrigation, but also through the improvement of technical and entrepreneurial skills of the farmers involved.
The research is a part of a study to develop an agro-ecological model of sustainable viticulture. The activity, carried out on both international cultivars and old varieties, is based on the induction of plant resistance forms to downy mildew and the attraction of beneficial insects, by applications of products and microorganisms used in organic agriculture, such as Trichoderma and Silicon. The increase of jasmonic and salicylic acid, as well as the involvement of other substances (i.e. Reactive Oxygen Species) and associated mechanisms are evaluated. Moreover, the reduction of the use of copper, the only product available in organic farming or the protection of downy mildew (subjected to continuous restrictions due to the negative effects on the environment) is being evaluated.
SOS4LIFE is a demonstration project that aims to contribute to the enforcement at municipal scale of European orientations about soil protection and urban regeneration, with particular reference to the Guidelines on best practices to reduce, mitigate and compensate soil sealing [SWD(2012) 101]. Tools, rules and actions promoted by this project are aimed to implement (in advance) the Community strategy “no net land take by 2050” according to the Roadmap to a resource efficient Europe [COM(2011) 571] as confirmed also by the 7th Environment Action Programme [1386/2013/EU]. The project intends to produce a viable framework on no net land take” suitable for the three municipalities involved in the project – Forlì, Carpi (MO) and San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) – and for others local authorities both in Italy and Europe, based on the following specific objectives: 1) Definition of urban regulations and implementation tools, applicable at municipal level, aimed to ensure the balance of no net land take in newly urbanized areas through a system based on the exchange between urbanized surfaces and de-sealing actions as a compensation; 2) Definition of rules and incentives to support the urban regeneration of existing settlements through actions that aim to the energy and seismic re-qualification; 3) Definition of procedures for the monitoring and evaluation of land take and its impacts on the ecosystem aimed to provide tools, methods, data to support policy-makers,favor technicians’ choices on territorial planning and improve the information transparency; 4) Definition of a methodology for the detection, evaluation and mapping of ecosystem services provided by urban and periurban soils, aimed at quantifying ecosystem services and planning actions for their growth and improvement; 5) Implementation of three de-sealing interventions in three urban areas that will be replaced with a green space to demonstrate both the technical and economical feasibility and transferability of the “framework on no net land take”; 6) Effective and large-scale promotion of knowledge and awareness about the social and economic consequences of the processes of land take addressed to public authorities, businesses, schools, and citizenship.
MED-GOLD will demonstrate the proof-of-concept for climate services in the agriculture sector by developing case studies for three hallmarks of the Mediterranean food system: grapes, olives and durum wheat. Agriculture is primarily climate-driven and hence highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. Evidence suggests that the Mediterranean region is under immediate threat of shifting climate patterns and the associated ecological, economic and social effects. Developing a capacity to turn the increasingly big climate-related data into tailored climate services that can inform decision-making in agriculture, is therefore a priority both in Europe and worldwide. The long-term goal of this project is to make European agriculture and food systems more competitive, resilient, and efficient in the face of climate change, by using climate services to minimize climate-driven risks/costs and seize opportunities for added-value. The MED-GOLD project aims to develop climate services for olive, grape, and durum wheat crop systems that are the basis for producing olive oil, wine and pasta. This set of crops and related food products is of utmost climatic, ecological, economic, and cultural relevance to the Mediterranean region. Because olive oil, wine and pasta are not only hallmarks of the Mediterranean diet but also food commodities with a global market, there is considerable potential for developing climate services with high added-value for olive, grape, and durum wheat. A key challenge is to co-design prototype pilot service applications involving both suppliers and users in the three major traditional Mediterranean crop systems so as to demonstrate the added-value of data/information-driven responses to changes in the climate system. The operational decision-making of users will be reviewed to either identify key decisions or introduce new actions that can benefit from climate-related information at different timescales from months to decades. WEB: TWITTER: @medgold_h2020
BIOPROFILES project, involving 6 partners active in area of environmental education from 4 countries, Slovakia (INAK, Strom zivota, Constantine the Philosopher University), Italy (IBIMET-CNR), Spain (VITA XXI) and UK (Learning through Landscapes), is focused on development of innovative materials for practical environmental education for target group of teachers and pupils in primary schools (10-15 years old), leading project participants towards increased interest in local communities’ life, with the aim to: • Support professional development of teachers and their skills in active use and implementation of environmental topics into teaching • Provide teachers of primary schools with innovative teaching materials, combining general subjects, while integrating practical environmental concept into teaching process • Deliver high quality teaching and adopt new pupil-centred method of research-based learning (or inquiry based learning) • Increase the environmental awareness of teachers and pupils through monitoring of local environment.
SheepToShip LIFE would like to contribute in a practical way to EU objectives regarding the fight against climate change, serving as an initiative aimed at reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the dairy supply chain and sheep farming sectors in Sardinia. In particular, the main objective of the project is to reduce of 20% in 10 years the GHG emissions (N2O, CH4 and CO2) from the Sardinian livestock sector and sheep industry, with an annual rate of reduction equal to about 3.5 kt CO2-eq year-1. The immediate objectives of SheepToShip LIFE are: 1) encouraging environmental improvements of production systems in the sheep sector and demonstrate the environmental, economic and social benefits deriving from eco-innovation in the dairy supply chain and sheep farming sector; 2) promoting the implementation of environmental policies and rural development guided by the Life Cycle Thinking, and aimed at enhancing the environmental quality of local sheep milk and cheese supply chains; 3) increasing the level of knowledge and awareness of the stakeholders and the general public on the environmental sustainability of products made from sheep milk and their role in relation to the mitigation of climate change. Therefore, SheepToShip LIFE is addressed to three main types of target groups that play an essential role in achieving the objectives and the propagation of the transforming power of the project: i) livestock farms and dairy industries based on sheep milk products; ii) public authorities of technical assistance and technical advisors of dairy industries based on sheep milk products; iii) European, national and local policy makers involved in Environment/Climate and Rural Development issues.