Education and Training

BIOPROFILES - Implementation of practical environmental education in school
by luciano.massetti — last modified Nov 04, 2019 01:53 PM

BIOPROFILES project, involving 6 partners active in area of environmental education from 4 countries, Slovakia (INAK, Strom zivota, Constantine the Philosopher University), Italy (IBIMET-CNR), Spain (VITA XXI) and UK (Learning through Landscapes), is focused on development of innovative materials for practical environmental education for target group of teachers and pupils in primary schools (10-15 years old), leading project participants towards increased interest in local communities’ life, with the aim to: • Support professional development of teachers and their skills in active use and implementation of environmental topics into teaching • Provide teachers of primary schools with innovative teaching materials, combining general subjects, while integrating practical environmental concept into teaching process • Deliver high quality teaching and adopt new pupil-centred method of research-based learning (or inquiry based learning) • Increase the environmental awareness of teachers and pupils through monitoring of local environment.

Daylighting Rivers - Science Education for Civic Ecology
by francesca.ugolini — last modified Nov 05, 2019 11:18 AM

Daylighting Rivers - ( Science education for civic ecology is a European project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme and it involves research organisations and high schools from three Mediterranean countries (Italy, Greece and Spain) and the UK. The project engages secondary school students in hands-on, interdisciplinary investigations of their local environment, focusing on the changes urban land cover, particularly on the rivers that flow through the cities and are affected by urbanization. DAYLIGHTING RIVERS acknowledges that due to accelerated urban development, many rivers have been diverted or covered, in favour of urban infrastructures and new neighbourhoods. This has increased the risks of flooding, led to the loss of biodiversity along the streams, increased water pollution and impaired other types of community services connected to the flowing water. The process by which the culverted or covered rivers are uncovered and re-exposed to the environment is known as ‘daylighting’. DAYLIGHTING RIVERS also refers to ‘daylighting’ in terms of youth consciousness-raising awareness and inspiring global action for sustainability among those who will determine our collective future. In the project, the students undertake activities in physical science, human impacts on river ecosystems, effects of the rivers on microclimate and its biodiversity, but also in the historical, social and economic aspects of urban rivers. Partners: Water Right Foundation, IBE-CNR and Liceo Sensale in Italy, CEBAS-CSIC and IES Espinosa in Spain, PRISMA and Rafina Lyceum in Greece, ICASE in the UK.

by pierpaolo.duce — last modified Nov 05, 2019 03:05 PM

The main Action of Erasmus+, the program for education, training, youth and sport of the European Union established in 2013, provides for the mobility of students enrolled at Higher Education Institutes participating in the Program for purposes of training in institutions/companies/ organizations located in one of the countries participating in the Program. The University of Sassari, with the aim of fostering and increasing the flow of students entering for training and strengthening relations with the territory, has established a partnership, to which the CNR IBE has also joined, for the implementation of the project called " Erasmus Traineeship in Sardinia ". The project is aimed at promoting the offer of training internships for university students from other countries in companies, institutions, professional offices, research centres, institutions in Northern Sardinia with the aim of favouring the acquisition of specific professional skills and deepening of knowledge of the working and socio-cultural context of the host country. The International Relations Office of the University of Sassari collects, updates and disseminates annually the educational offers proposed by the CNR IBE and by the other bodies and institutions. This has allowed and allows the Institute for Bio-Economy to host each year, for a minimum period of three months, two / three students from other European countries. (Italiano) La principale Azione di Erasmus+, il programma per l'istruzione, la formazione, la gioventù e lo sport dell’Unione Europea istituito nel 2013, prevede la mobilità degli studenti iscritti presso Istituti di Istruzione Superiore aderenti al Programma ai fini di tirocinio presso enti/imprese/organizzazioni situate in uno dei Paesi partecipanti al Programma. L’Università degli Studi di Sassari, col fine di favorire e incrementare il flusso degli studenti in ingresso per tirocinio e rafforzare i rapporti col territorio ha istituito un partenariato, a cui ha aderito anche il CNR IBE, per l’attuazione del progetto denominato “Erasmus Traineeship in Sardinia”. Il progetto è volto a promuovere l’offerta di tirocini formativi per studenti universitari di altri Paesi presso imprese, enti, studi professionali, centri di ricerca, istituzioni del Nord Sardegna con l’obiettivo di favorire l’acquisizione di competenze professionali specifiche e l’approfondimento della conoscenza del contesto lavorativo e socio-culturale del Paese di accoglienza. Le offerte formative proposte dal CNR IBE e dagli altri enti e istituzioni coinvolte, raccolte, aggiornate e diffuse con cadenza annuale dall’Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali dell’Università di Sassari, hanno consentito e consentono all’Istituto per la BioEconomia di ospitare ogni anno, per un periodo minimo di tre mesi, due/tre studenti provenienti da altri Paesi Europei e interessati alle tematiche in cui è impegnato l’Istituto.

by francesca.rapparini — last modified Nov 05, 2019 10:52 AM

The project "Cross-KIC educational collaboration towards a European Human Capital perspective" aimed at enhancing human capital by extending high quality and inspiring training and methods developed by the 6 existing KICs for Higher Education to the broad society, towards a more open, innovative and entrepreneurial mindset. The project includes Work Packages focused on the development of common strategies and approach, the concept of common modules and methods, implementation of pilots and e-learning paths. Different bodies of knowledge on innovation, participatory methods, entrepreneurship as well as creative problem solving already existing in KICs and partners’ activity were considered by focusing on the topic of Circular Economy. The roadmap for knowledge development and demonstration was organized in four tasks as part of an integrated Cross-KIC Working Plan. We have investigated about the possibility to use the System Innovation approach applied by Climate-KIC based in the “Visual Toolbox for System innovation” methodology as the base for the Common Module. By considering a modular approach, the EIT RM@Schools approach and other methods suggested by partners of both KICs, as myclimate and Solutions for the Planet, have been part of the design, test and implementation of an integrated common module.The System Innovation approach draws on the application of practitioner-oriented visual tools by introducing a socio-technical perspective through a participatory process. Bottom up exercises are used to introduce basic elements of system innovation and contribute to the definition of practitioners’ challenges.

PAPSEN SENEGAL, Support Programme to the National Agricultural Investment Plan in Senegal
by vieri.tarchiani — last modified Oct 25, 2019 09:33 AM

The general objective of the Programme is to contribute to achieving the first Millennium Development Goal, eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, by increasing agricultural production and improving the incomes of rural populations, thereby increasing food security and the promotion of local economic development. The specific objective of the Programme is to increase the income of rural people who live in the interventions regions, by expanding and diversifying the agricultural production, through the spread of modern farming practices such as micro-irrigation, but also through the improvement of technical and entrepreneurial skills of the farmers involved.

Progetto di riqualificazione del territorio il ruolo del verde nella mitigazione ambientale
by rita.baraldi — last modified Sep 18, 2019 03:32 PM

La realizzazione di questo opuscolo ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni dettagliate sulle specie vegetali da impiegare nella progettazione del verde urbano e sub-urbano per coadiuvare le scelte e le azioni delle amministrazioni pubbliche e private. In questa guida, il gruppo di ricerca dell’IBIMET-CNR di Bologna propone inoltre soluzioni concrete per la mitigazione ambientale nella zona industriale del Bargellino che prevedono un’oculata progettazione del verde e, al tempo stesso, il controllo della qualità dell’aria attraverso una rete di monitoraggio.